I finished my mid-term exam 2 weeks ago. However, the video and various readings on population that I watched and read made me think of this issue.
In my view, I am pessimistic about the future in terms of population because of 2 reasons. The first reason is that balancing population all over the world seems to be a difficult mission. While there are too many people in developing or poor nations, industrialized countries are coping with the shortage of people. This imbalance has led to many problems. To developing or poor countries, they don't have enough money to support all people. As a result, people there don't have good medical, educational system. Moreover, the standard of life is low. A lot of people lack access to education and medicine. There are many people have died because of diseases in these countries. Meanwhile, rich countries are concerned about old population. Women in these countries tend to get married and have children late. Family is not their interest anymore. They tend to spend more time studying, working, or doing other different things. Consequently, in near future, these countries will have to face the shortage of people. There will be not enough people for jobs and consumption. As a consequence, government won't receive enough taxes and money from young generation to pay welfare for old people.
Another reason is that we haven't had a good solution for these problems. To improve the population, some rich countries rely on immigration. For example, every year, there are one million people immigrate in The United States. This sounds like a solution for American population. However, it brings some other problems. For instance, one American child is consuming more than 30 children in India. That is, Americans are consuming too much resources of people all over the world. Moreover, Americans emit more green house gas which contributes to Global Warming. At the same time, poor nations aren't likely to have enough money to solve their problems. Even though they have tried hard to make some progress, there are many people can't afford house, education and medicine. An example of this is Sub Saharan countries. It has been really difficult for them to deal with AIDS_the disease of 21st century.
In my opinion, every country should aware of the problem. They need to aware that we share the same space, the same Mother Earth. Over population is not the problem of specific countries but all countries over the world. To make the issue better, all countries need to work together and help each other. Rich countries can share knowledge, technology, education to poor countries. Meanwhile, poor countries can learn the strategies which can develop their countries. For example, Kenya can learn the strategies which Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea have used to develop their countries. They invest most of their money in young generation who will help to develop countries later. Moreover, an important key is that we need to do is to emphasize women rights to decide how many children they would like to have. This can help to reduce the population. Education also can help. By this way, we can raise people awareness about this problem. As a result, we can cooperate well and manage the situation better.
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