Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Research Project

I have just handed in my research project. In fact, I worked really hard on this project. I have never done something like this before. When I finished it, I felt exhausted but happy.
I had a hard time to start. Although all materials were ready, I didn't know why I didn't have any passion or motivation to work on this project. Everything went slowly, and I did want to give up. I was just scared that I couldn't have the last project. However, at the last 10 days, I felt I could work with it. In my opinion, it is so dangerous if you have to do some big things without passion. That is my first lesson from this project. I do like the topic of my project, but I mean the motivation, self-control, passion are very important.
The most interesting part of my project was the second idea of my project which was the impact levels of cyberbullying. Thanks to this part, I discovered a lot of new things about the problem which I did research on. Besides, the most challenging parts were the introduction and the conclusion. It is always difficult for me to do these two parts, and this time is not an exception. Anyway, I thought I did a good introduction=).
I didn't have a lot of time left to check spelling and grammar. However, while I were doing it, I went through and checked it. I hope that I didn't have a lot of mistakes in my research paper. Anyway, I am satisfied with my final product because of 2 reasons. The first reason is that it is my product. I think we have to love all the things that belong to us. Another reason is that I put a lot of enthusiasm, passion, energy, time, and even health to work on it. No matter how it is, I have to appreciate what I did.
The second lesson that I have learnt form this project is that I am faster if I do many things at the same time. I have found out that I can't work well if I do 1 thing at a time. Maybe, I am so strange, and even I can't stand myself. However, as Marley and Sandra said, I have to learn to live with it. When I did 3 parts of my projects at the same time, I felt that everything flew.
I am on the way to prepare for my presentation. I don't want to present how I transfer my research paper into oral presentation here. Therefore, let I keep secret. I just hope that I won't be too nervous and speak too fast on that day.
Hope that all of you enjoy your research projects. We just have 3 weeks left to stay with each other. Actually, I am regretting of the time. We have been too busy in this level that we don't have time to have many outside activities like level 7. However, I hope that we can go out for this summer or anytime that we free in the future. 3 weeks will be very fast, and I don't like the end of anything.


Loc said...

why u always write long posts huh, show me 'Map'. haah, i can't. but, it makes me lazy to read, hiz hiz

Marley said...

Thank you for taking the time to explain to us how you feel about the experience of your research paper. It is a journey that we must take alone but at least in this class, we can all share in your success.

Mey said...

Before I was not satisfied with my project, but after I read your post i felt much better. You are right, we have to appreciate with what we have or belong to us even it is not good as the others, but it comes from us.

Thank Kathy, you alway give me good ideas.

Peng Ray said...

i agree with waht Loc said, u are such a hard worker.

FOX said...

me too

Mey said...

Me three hehe........