- Café Bistro L'Amandier 100 St-Viateur O, Montréal, QC H2T 2L1 (514) 272-7716
- Olive et Gourmando (www.oliveetgourmando.com)
- Claude Postel (www.claudepostel.com)
- Fous Desserts (819 Laurier East, 514 273-9335)
- Lescurier Tradition Gourmande (1333 Van Horne, 514 273-8281)
- Le Paltoquet (1464 Van Horne, 514 271-4229)
- Alati-Caserta (277 Dante, 514 271-3013) and San Marco (1581 Jean-Talon East, 514 727-5401) are two of the city's best Itialian pastry shops.
- Pâtisserie Mahrouse (1010 de Liège West near L'Acadie, 514 279-1629
- Cocoa Locale 4807, avenue Du Parc Montreal, QC H2V 4E7 (514) 271-7162
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*•.¸♥¸.• Enjoy our life*•.¸♥¸.•
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Where for Pastries
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Video Game
Video game has become a hot topic these days. It is a popular way which people in a wide range of age choose as one kind of entertainment. However, in my opinion, there are some disadvantages that video games bring to our lives that we really need to notice. We can't deny the fact that there are many people who are addicted to Video Games these days. This reason has led to many other problems. When people are addicted to games, they tend to ignore everything else in their lives. Personally, I have 1 friend who was a video game addict. He spent most of his money buying new games. He also spent most of his time playing games. As a result, he couldn't help his family to do things, and he couldn't have good result at school. Moreover, he didn't spend enough time on sleeping. Consequently, his mind couldn't think well. It seemed like he gave up everything in his life except for video games. Luckily, 1 day, he recognized that video games weren't important for his future and he decided to quit it. He sold everything related to video games to others. It took a long time for him to overcome this addiction.
From this experience, I don't support video games anymore. Although I liked to play video games when I was a child; I don't like it anymore. However, I think if we know how to balance everything in life, everything will be fine.
From this experience, I don't support video games anymore. Although I liked to play video games when I was a child; I don't like it anymore. However, I think if we know how to balance everything in life, everything will be fine.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My Presentation
I totally finished my research paper yesterday with my presentation. I was lucky because I had more time to prepare than my classmates did. From my experience, I found out that in the afternoon, we often felt sleepy. Therefore, I decided to try my best to wake my teacher and my classmates up by videos in my presentation. I thought of this idea and what I should do in my presentation while I was eating, studying, walking. And now, I am fed up with it.
I worked with my presentation for a long time before I presented. However, my PowerPoint finished the day before I made my presentation. Through this research project, I know that I am a person who likes to deal with deadlines. Even though I have tried hard to correct this trait because working with deadlines really harms my health, it seems like it is impossible for me to finish things before deadlines. I am crazy about myself. I am really frustrated with myself when I can't win over me.
I hoped that I provided you with new ideas about cyberbullying. While I was doing this research paper, I just kept thinking that this topic was suitable with my violent personality, hehe. While I was doing my research paper, I knew that I made some people around me confuse because I was too noisy and I talked too much. I recognized that the more nervous I was, the more aggressive I was. I am learning to deal with controlling my feelings. I think I have problem with it. Maybe, I am too excited about everything.
On this occasion, I want to say thank to Marley and Sandra. Thank Marley for suggesting me this topic. Moreover, she borrowed a book for me. She went together with me along this project. In addition, Sandra did help and encourage me a lot while I was doing this research. I know that both of you were really busy because you had to work with all of our projects while each of us just needed to do one. I really appreciate your help. However, I feel regret of not having Marley in my presentation. I did try to do this project well to show my gratefulness to her. The reason is that the idea of cyberbullying appeared thanks to her advice. Finally, I want to say thank to a friend in class, Mey. Thank Mey for encouraging me and being besides me silently everytime I need help, not only in this research project but also in many other things. Thank other friends for helping while I was doing research project.
I feel relaxed now. I did all the research project with my heart. I am pleasant with it.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
My Research Project
I have just handed in my research project. In fact, I worked really hard on this project. I have never done something like this before. When I finished it, I felt exhausted but happy.
I had a hard time to start. Although all materials were ready, I didn't know why I didn't have any passion or motivation to work on this project. Everything went slowly, and I did want to give up. I was just scared that I couldn't have the last project. However, at the last 10 days, I felt I could work with it. In my opinion, it is so dangerous if you have to do some big things without passion. That is my first lesson from this project. I do like the topic of my project, but I mean the motivation, self-control, passion are very important.
The most interesting part of my project was the second idea of my project which was the impact levels of cyberbullying. Thanks to this part, I discovered a lot of new things about the problem which I did research on. Besides, the most challenging parts were the introduction and the conclusion. It is always difficult for me to do these two parts, and this time is not an exception. Anyway, I thought I did a good introduction=).
I didn't have a lot of time left to check spelling and grammar. However, while I were doing it, I went through and checked it. I hope that I didn't have a lot of mistakes in my research paper. Anyway, I am satisfied with my final product because of 2 reasons. The first reason is that it is my product. I think we have to love all the things that belong to us. Another reason is that I put a lot of enthusiasm, passion, energy, time, and even health to work on it. No matter how it is, I have to appreciate what I did.
The second lesson that I have learnt form this project is that I am faster if I do many things at the same time. I have found out that I can't work well if I do 1 thing at a time. Maybe, I am so strange, and even I can't stand myself. However, as Marley and Sandra said, I have to learn to live with it. When I did 3 parts of my projects at the same time, I felt that everything flew.
I am on the way to prepare for my presentation. I don't want to present how I transfer my research paper into oral presentation here. Therefore, let I keep secret. I just hope that I won't be too nervous and speak too fast on that day.
Hope that all of you enjoy your research projects. We just have 3 weeks left to stay with each other. Actually, I am regretting of the time. We have been too busy in this level that we don't have time to have many outside activities like level 7. However, I hope that we can go out for this summer or anytime that we free in the future. 3 weeks will be very fast, and I don't like the end of anything.
I had a hard time to start. Although all materials were ready, I didn't know why I didn't have any passion or motivation to work on this project. Everything went slowly, and I did want to give up. I was just scared that I couldn't have the last project. However, at the last 10 days, I felt I could work with it. In my opinion, it is so dangerous if you have to do some big things without passion. That is my first lesson from this project. I do like the topic of my project, but I mean the motivation, self-control, passion are very important.
The most interesting part of my project was the second idea of my project which was the impact levels of cyberbullying. Thanks to this part, I discovered a lot of new things about the problem which I did research on. Besides, the most challenging parts were the introduction and the conclusion. It is always difficult for me to do these two parts, and this time is not an exception. Anyway, I thought I did a good introduction=).
I didn't have a lot of time left to check spelling and grammar. However, while I were doing it, I went through and checked it. I hope that I didn't have a lot of mistakes in my research paper. Anyway, I am satisfied with my final product because of 2 reasons. The first reason is that it is my product. I think we have to love all the things that belong to us. Another reason is that I put a lot of enthusiasm, passion, energy, time, and even health to work on it. No matter how it is, I have to appreciate what I did.
The second lesson that I have learnt form this project is that I am faster if I do many things at the same time. I have found out that I can't work well if I do 1 thing at a time. Maybe, I am so strange, and even I can't stand myself. However, as Marley and Sandra said, I have to learn to live with it. When I did 3 parts of my projects at the same time, I felt that everything flew.
I am on the way to prepare for my presentation. I don't want to present how I transfer my research paper into oral presentation here. Therefore, let I keep secret. I just hope that I won't be too nervous and speak too fast on that day.
Hope that all of you enjoy your research projects. We just have 3 weeks left to stay with each other. Actually, I am regretting of the time. We have been too busy in this level that we don't have time to have many outside activities like level 7. However, I hope that we can go out for this summer or anytime that we free in the future. 3 weeks will be very fast, and I don't like the end of anything.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Over Population World!

I finished my mid-term exam 2 weeks ago. However, the video and various readings on population that I watched and read made me think of this issue.
In my view, I am pessimistic about the future in terms of population because of 2 reasons. The first reason is that balancing population all over the world seems to be a difficult mission. While there are too many people in developing or poor nations, industrialized countries are coping with the shortage of people. This imbalance has led to many problems. To developing or poor countries, they don't have enough money to support all people. As a result, people there don't have good medical, educational system. Moreover, the standard of life is low. A lot of people lack access to education and medicine. There are many people have died because of diseases in these countries. Meanwhile, rich countries are concerned about old population. Women in these countries tend to get married and have children late. Family is not their interest anymore. They tend to spend more time studying, working, or doing other different things. Consequently, in near future, these countries will have to face the shortage of people. There will be not enough people for jobs and consumption. As a consequence, government won't receive enough taxes and money from young generation to pay welfare for old people.
Another reason is that we haven't had a good solution for these problems. To improve the population, some rich countries rely on immigration. For example, every year, there are one million people immigrate in The United States. This sounds like a solution for American population. However, it brings some other problems. For instance, one American child is consuming more than 30 children in India. That is, Americans are consuming too much resources of people all over the world. Moreover, Americans emit more green house gas which contributes to Global Warming. At the same time, poor nations aren't likely to have enough money to solve their problems. Even though they have tried hard to make some progress, there are many people can't afford house, education and medicine. An example of this is Sub Saharan countries. It has been really difficult for them to deal with AIDS_the disease of 21st century.
In my opinion, every country should aware of the problem. They need to aware that we share the same space, the same Mother Earth. Over population is not the problem of specific countries but all countries over the world. To make the issue better, all countries need to work together and help each other. Rich countries can share knowledge, technology, education to poor countries. Meanwhile, poor countries can learn the strategies which can develop their countries. For example, Kenya can learn the strategies which Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea have used to develop their countries. They invest most of their money in young generation who will help to develop countries later. Moreover, an important key is that we need to do is to emphasize women rights to decide how many children they would like to have. This can help to reduce the population. Education also can help. By this way, we can raise people awareness about this problem. As a result, we can cooperate well and manage the situation better.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Reaction Writing about Social Psychology Lecture

Last morning, we had a lecture about love. I was really interested in this lecture because I like this topic. Moreover, the lecturer who is a social psychologist did give us a wonderful talk. She has good sense of humor and good gesture which made us really absorb in what she said. In addition, she kept asking us questions to make us understand the lecture more deeply. Besides, although we have just met each other, I was really surprised when she seemed to remember our names. She did really impress me.
I have learned something new from this lecture. I have never known that there are four types of love which are Philia, Romance, Agape, and Eros before. After I was explained, I felt happy because I have just expanded my knowledge about the field that I am really interested in.
In four kinds of love, the one that I am most interested in is Eros. It is the passion for our lives, and it appears when we can do the things that we are absorbed in. In my opinion, this love shows how we respect and love ourselves. The reason is that if we don't know what we love or like, and the others don't, either. In addition, we need this love because life will be very boring if you do things without passion. This love will provide us the power and the will which encourage us to move on and to continue. The point is that we always have to deal with difficulties in our lives. Therefore, if we don't have any motivation, it will be easy for us to give up.
In addition, Agape also attracts me. In my view, thanks to this kind of love, our world can become more beautiful and meaningful. Let's imagine we live in a society without kindness and human caring, we will feel how bad it is. The reason is that we can't exist in this world if we are alone. In addition, I think if we know how to practice this kind of love in right ways, we can learn how to love and to be loved. Life will be nicer if we live in an environment which is filled with a lot of love.
Romance is the type of love which I feel most complicated. This type of love can either lead us to heaven or push us to the hell. Maybe I have exaggerated, but I have witnessed many true sad stories about this kind of love. People tended to give up everything, and it was hard for them to overcome the pain when they lost this kind of love. However, I don't deny the importance of its existence. Thanks to this kind of love, we can understand the meaning of romance. In addition, people seem to be happy when they can their true Romance in their lives. Finally, I want to admit that even I am scared of failing in looking for my true Romance, I am on the way of chasing for it. Personally, although we have been hurt, we should dare to love completely to understand how meaningful life is.
In summary, I want to say that sometimes, love is as sweet as candies. Love make us happier and more mature. Love is a present of life that we should know how to hold it well. A shoulder to lean on when we are tired, a soul mate to share our everything may make our lives more significant and wonderful. I hope everyone will get a beautiful love in their lives.
Another Poem

This poem comes from one of my friends. He wants to encourage me to move on while I am dealing with my own difficulties. I want to share it with you.
Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns.
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about.
When he might have won had he stuck it out:
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out.
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems so far:
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Author unknown
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